Destructing an object in Javascript(Coffee time article)


1 min read

Hello everyone,

Recently I was reading a good article(as always) by Kent C. Dodds. In destructing part, he was asking for a code change that will make the object destructing in one line. I am sharing his question and my solution to that. I think it can be beneficial to someone else.

function nestedArrayAndObject() {
  // refactor this to a single line of destructuring...
  const info = {
    title: 'Once Upon a Time',
    protagonist: {
      name: 'Emma Swan',
      enemies: [
        {name: 'Regina Mills', title: 'Evil Queen'},
        {name: 'Cora Mills', title: 'Queen of Hearts'},
        {name: 'Peter Pan', title: `The boy who wouldn't grow up`},
        {name: 'Zelena', title: 'The Wicked Witch'},
  // const {} = info // <-- replace the next few `const` lines with this
  const title = info.title
  const protagonistName =
  const enemy = info.protagonist.enemies[3]
  const enemyTitle = enemy.title
  const enemyName =
  return `${enemyName} (${enemyTitle}) is an enemy to ${protagonistName} in "${title}"`

The part we will change is const {} = info;. And here is my solution.

const {title,protagonist: {name:protagonistName,  enemies:[,,{name:enemyName,title: enemyTitle}] }} = info

Stay healthy, and keep coding for good.