Define Object Properties For Dummies

Mastering in Javascript


2 min read

Define Object Properties For Dummies

Hello World,

Today I want to talk about how to define objects and their properties in Javascript. For me, it is a Back to the basics post. Let's dive in.

"use strict";

const person = {
  name: "chety",

We basically create an object via object literal above. When you define a property like that your property is basically writable, configurable, enumerable by default. What do these mean actually?

  • Writable: Your property value can be changed via assignment if it is true.
  • Configurable: Your property can be deleted from your object if it is true.
  • Enumerable: Your property can be seen when the enumeration process takes place(via for, for ... of)
console.log(Object.keys(person)); // -> [ 'name' ]

Let's create another property via Object.defineProperty.

Object.defineProperty(person, "secretProp", {
  //normally below properties are false by default when creating a property via Object.defineProperty
  writable: false, // -> You can't change property value via assignment
  configurable: false, // -> You can't delete property from object
  enumerable: false, // -> property will not be seen with enumuration process(for, for of ...)

  //If we define get and set then we can not use value property directly
  //value: 42,

  // If we define writable property then we can not use get and set
  //   get(){
  //       return this["_secretProp"]
  //   },
  //   set(value){
  //       this["_secretProp"] = value
  //   }

If we want to see our person's keys Object.keys(person) will only return the enumerable properties. If we want to see all the properties(enumerable/nonenumerable) we can use Object.getOwnPropertyNames(person)

console.log(Object.keys(person)); // -> [ 'name' ]
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(person)); // -> [ 'name', 'secretProp' ]

But what if we want to add a property whose key is a Symbol? Let's try this.

const age = Symbol("age");
person[age] = 33;

So when we try to access our person keys none of the above methods return this new age property. To access all the keys(string, symbol ...etc) we can use Reflect.ownKeys(person)

console.log(Object.keys(person)); // -> [ 'name' ]
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(person)); // -> [ 'name', 'secretProp' ]
console.log(Reflect.ownKeys(person)); // -> [ 'name', 'secretProp' , Symbol(age)]

That's it for today guys. If you have any ideas, feedbacks ...etc please do not hesitate to share in the comments. Stay tuned bye-bye.

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